Elemental Dākinī Mandala of Emotions Immersion
In-Person & Remote Options
Evergreen Healing Arts, Bradford NH begins May, 2024
Online, Remote - Begins May, 2024
A practice of befriending challenging emotions and transmuting their energies to support us in our mental, emotional and spiritual healing and growth.
The Ground
Somewhere deep inside, we know that on the other side of fear is freedom. When fear and emotion rise up, they often trap us in habitual reactiveness, tension, and confusion, which are some of the ways our physical bodies are wired to engage with fear. Even if we don’t feel we have an outwardly ‘reactive’ personality, suppressing, avoiding or denying emotions is equally as reactive and harmful, just expressed differently. This reactiveness served us well and developed for a reason throughout our life, and certainly served our ancestors.

How do we accept our own and others'obstructions with compassion and lessen the emotional charge around them? How do we catalyze the energy to liberate thes emotional blockages?

How do we learn to withstand difficult emotions with a peaceful heart?
The Aim
An important function of fear and emotion is to point toward our opportunities for 'waking up.' Even though emotions that we are working through can be unsettling, scary or downright painful, they illuminate where there is the possibility of emotional freedom. Fear and emotions are not problems. In fact, they can provide the energetic propulsion necessary to advance on our spiritual path. Our reactiveness to these fears and emotions is what trips us up. When we consciously relate with and respond to our fears, understanding the textures, temperatures, and qualities of the obstructed emotions they birth, we cultivate deep presence, bringing with it more balance, calm and peace. We wake up to ourselves as we truly are ~ whole, complete, and an expression of Consciousness.
The Mandala
In this immersion you will enter a realm where you are invited to engage deeply and purposefully with the full spectrum of your emotions through the lens of the five elements and their Dākinīs*. We will initiate a spiritual practice that harnesses the energies of the elements and work with the elemental wisdom emotions to spark an inner alchemy to liberate our reactive emotions.
The Dākinī Mandala of Emotions provides a map of the obstructed emotions, their triggers, and resulting poisons that we can follow to identify and engage with them safely. We then embark on a journey to transform the stuck energy into liberated qualities, wisdoms and nectars.

*Dākinīs are the Sky Dancers who dance with us in the space, the luminous beings who communicate and move between realms of form and formlessness. They are messengers of wisdom, and visualizing them and working with their mantras free the energy of elemental wisdom in and around us.

**Mantra means a sacred sound.
Today, modern science sees the whole of existence as vibration. Every mantra activates a particular kind of energy and vibration in a different part of the body.
***Mudra is a sacred hand gesture that harnesses specific energies for specific purposes.
**** Susan David defines emotional agility as a process that allows us to be in the moment, changing or maintaining our behaviors to live in ways that align with our intentions and values.
The Practice
From this point of view, the elements of earth, air, fire, water and space are the building blocks of all manifestations. We experience them and their corresponding Dākinīs, through visualization, mantra**, and mudra*** to move stagnant energy, shift habitual emotional patterns, and create and nurture emotional agility****.
Through the Elemental Dākinī Mandala we learn to engage with the power and wisdom of our emotions to liberate obstructions and cultivate resilience. This practice grows curiosity, courage and compassion and provides tools for navigating reactive emotions and using them for transformation.
The Community
An important aspect of this immersion is engaging in community practice. A sangha – a group of practitioners dedicated to supporting each other’s awakening (whatever that means to you!) is vital in sustaining any spiritual work. Part of the reason we ask for a commitment to all of the dates (with no more than two absences at the most) is in support not only of individual growth, but the growth of one another. Although this immersion takes place via Zoom, the community is intentional and interactive. There will be space for connection and sharing. It is possible that we will be able to sustain the sangha moving forward if there is interest.

New emotional habits etch new neural pathways in the brain - something other than the old reactions of seeking escape, blaming ourselves or others, and looking for love from external sources such as other people or material things.

There is so much depth and richness to the Dakini Mandala teachings! I feel like I am just scratching the surface, but have found the Mandala useful in interpreting and processing emotions. Embarking on this journey has offered me tools to better understand myself and those I interact with! ~ Mike N.
When you work with the Dakinis, you will find friendship, love, and protection. You will recognize the inner work you have already accomplished and the help you have already received through the exploration of your liberated experiences. You will recognize the inner work that remains to be done through the exploration of your obstructions. It is a beautiful awakening. ~ V.K.
The Elemental Mandala teachings have become a way of life for me, rather than "just a practice." Tara's guidance is supportive yet challenging in just the right way, asking me to dig deeper at the moment when I'm getting too comfortable. I've gained so much perspective about the way my emotions rule my life, and the practices of this course help me to navigate, even transform them, in healthy ways. ~ Jessica L.
I feel that I've grown emotionally and spiritually by leaps and bounds, and in areas I didn't realize I needed to. These are beautiful, traditional practices that connect you directly to the elements and to yourself through them. Highly recommend! ~ Rebecca W.
Immersion Details
Over the course of the 12 sessions you will:
learn the mandala / map of emotions and their correspondence to the elements;
receive meditations, visualizations, mantras and mudras that correspond to each of the elements and their Dākinīs;
learn the foundational alchemical practice of the Dākinī Mandala of Emotions;
learn many micro practices to support and help integrate the foundational practices;
learn to identify, not identify with your reactive emotions;
learn ways to discharge obstructed and reactive energies;
expand your entire system (physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual) to be able to host more challenging emotions, lessening the charge of the reaction and liberating stuck energies to fuel emotional and spiritual maturation.
Supplemental offerings:
Recommended practices to work with each week
Weekly journal prompts
1 one-on-one session with Tara half-way through the course (Zoom)
Additional yoga nidra and meditation recordings to enhance, support, and expand the teachings and practices
SLACK channel to engage with your sangha throughout the immersion
Suggested readings
and more…
In addition to the weekly sessions, the ability to dedicate 20 - 30 minutes per day throughout the immersion will support you in receiving the most felt experience and benefit of the teachings and practices.
NOTE: This is not a beginner’s meditation class. It is a committed and deeply transformative immersion into these practices. Although no previous experience is needed, some seated meditation, visualization and mantra practice (in any tradition) or openness to them is recommended.
Registration Details
Evergreen Healing Arts Session
5/6/24 - 10/10/24
in-person at Evergreen Healing Arts, 11 West Main Street, Bradford, NH
Pre-registration deadline with early-bird pricing: 04/01/24 - 10% off
Final registration deadline: 04/22/24
Sangha / Gathering Dates
12, 2-hour Sessions 6:30 - 8:30 pm
May: Mon. 5/6 & Thu. 5/9
June: Mon. 6/3 & Thu. 6/6
July: Mon. 7/8 & Thu. 7/11
Aug: Mon. 8/5 & Thu. 8/8
Sept. Mon. 9/9 & Thu. 9/12
Oct. Mon. 10/7 & Thu. 10/10
The session will be limited to12 individuals.
We will need 8 people to run the course.
Sliding Scale
$525 - $22 per teaching hour (pays for you and helps support accessibility pricing for others who may not have resources to attend)
$430 - $18 per teaching hour (pays for you)
$240 - $10 per teaching hour (community accessibility)
Partial and full scholarships available for people in the LGBTQ+ community and local food system workers. Email me if interested
Online Remote Immersion
Pre-registration deadline with early-bird pricing: 04/01/24 - 10% off
Final registration deadline: 04/22/24
Sangha / Gathering Dates
12, 2-hour Sessions
12 pm - 2 pm EST
May: Thu. 5/16 & 5/30
June: Thu. 6/13 & 6/27
July: Thu 7/11 & 7/25
Aug: Thu. 8/15 & 8/29
Sept. Thu. 9/12 & 9/26
Oct. Thu. 10/17 & 10/31
Sliding Scale
$525 - $22 per teaching hour (pays for you and helps support accessibility pricing for others who may not have resources to attend)
$430 - $18 per teaching hour (pays for you)
$240 - $10 per teaching hour (community accessibility)
Partial and full scholarships available for people in the LGBTQ+ community or Mexican nationals. Email me if interested
The session will be limited in size, which will be determined as registrations come in.
We will need 8 people to run the course.
Please reach out to me with any questions you may have via email or phone.
Registration Process
Fill out the appropriate application form:
Evergreen Healing Arts In-persion Immersion Application Form
Online/Remote: Immersion Application Form.
Tara will review and contact you with any questions or with registration /payment information.
Payment in full will hold your seat in the program. (Ask if you need a payment plan._
Payment can be made via Venmo, PayPal, or Check or Cash for local participants
No refunds will be offered once the program has begun.
Registration will be on a first-come-first-served basis of accepted applications.
The information and materials offered in this immersion are for informational purposes only - they are spiritual practices that you are undertaking at your own risk. I am not a psychologist or therapist. The teachings and practices are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical or psychological advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician, psychiatrist, counselor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen or practice and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have learned in these teachings and practices.
If you do not have a trusted counselor or psychiatrist, I have a number of talented practitioners that I can refer you to.