General Logistics
Every other Thursday Evening from 6:15 - 8:00 pm EDT/EST
In-person at Evergreen Healing Arts, 11 West Main Street, Bradford, NH
Fall Session Begins September 14th and runs through January 4th, 2024 for a total of 8 sessions.
Limited to 12 participants. Pre-registration required. We need a minimum of 5 people to run.
If there is interest and commitment, this sangha could become an ongoing offering in time - bi-weekly or weekly.
Yoga Nidra Sangha Is Postponed.
New dates coming in the Fall of 2024
Tara is nurturing a back injury at the moment and figuring out which recovery road to take, and that will determine start dates for these series. If you are interested in the series at Evergreen Healing Arts, please still go ahead and fill out the form below.
Click here to download a 20-minute yoga nidra for relaxation and clarity recording.
Limited to 12 participants.
Registration Deadline 9/1/23
Sliding Scale:
Accessibility rate: $85
Base rate: $125 (pays for yourself)
Benefactor rate: $165 (helps make classes accessible for others)
* 2 Spaces are made available to employees of Kearsarge Food Hub at no cost
** I make partial and full scholarships available to anyone in the LGBTQ+ community - need based
Some meditation experience is helpful, but not necessary.
In this 8-class series, that meets every other week, we will delve into the practice and the state of Yoga Nidra. We will learn about yoga nidra as a practice, how and why it works, as well as experience it. There will be opportunities for discussion, Q&A, and personal sharing.
Increasing in popularity in the West, Yoga Nidra is often approached as a deep relaxation practice. It is this, yet to limit it to this only would be a mistake. Yoga Nidra is a sacred and liberatory practice. It has the potential to reveal deep inner wisdom, heal or complete karmas, and provide opportunities for experiences of awakening.
Each class we will embark on Yoga Nidra practices that include a journey into the depths of your being. You’ll be ushered between the different states of consciousness as well as the five different layers of your human system - offering portals into rich inner landscapes.
You will receive recordings of the Yoga Nidra practices themselves to use at home while developing your personal practice. Only the practices will be recorded.
General Structure of the Classes
● A short teaching w/ Q & A
● Yoga Nidra / Journaling
● Sharing
Important: This is a committed practice and study sangha, meaning it is requested that you commit to attending all sessions, with the understanding that life happens and one session may have to be missed. This is to create a cohesive and safe container for the deep inner work and sharing that will be intrinsic to this series.
Community Practice: Some may find it curious to request a commitment to attendance for this series, and I recognize that this is not something often required in the Western yogic approach. I ask for this for a few reasons:
You will get the most out of the series if you participate in each session;
Helps you in making a commitment to yourself and to your own practice;
Create a cohesive and safe container for the deep inner work and sharing that will be intrinsic to this series;
Creating a spiritual community is based on consistency, connection and trust. And, when we show up for one another, we also show up for ourselves.
For Returning Members Of The Sangha ONLY Register: Fill out this form and payment details will be sent to you upon completion.
For New Members Of The Sangha ONLY Register: Fill out this form and payment details will be sent to you upon completion.